Sunday, April 5, 2020

Im Sexy and I know it by LMFAO free essay sample

I use to think that the only song with more male nudity then female was Right Said Freds too sexy, which this song kinda ripped off, but the abominations of music known as LMFAO couldnt let that be so they made this song that Im reviewing today. Visually this song wouldnt be so bad if it was showing something not completely disturbing like their uh wiggling private parts. I think I died a bit after seeing that, but moving on the music is also pretty bad because it repeats the same beat over, and over, and over into oblivion. I think if youve heard any of their other songs you should know that they write lyrics the same way that fire knits sweaters, theyre bad and barely important to the song like this only one I will tell you, I work out, really? That was their choice, to pick something that anyone with eyes could tell is a lie just by looking at their bodies. We will write a custom essay sample on Im Sexy and I know it by LMFAO or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Perhaps a better title would have been, Im ugly and I show it. Last but probably most important is their incredible amount of smugness gets annoying, like the fact that you can outright tell they know that theyre not sexy or good, but they dont care theyre still richer then youll ever be. Oh well, in the end this probably wont change your opinion about it, but thanks for reading anyways.